
  • Global technology market analyst IDTechEx has released a new report forecasting trends in the smartwatch and digital fitness market, including new hearable devices which might offer greater potential ...
  • Luxury appliance brand Fisher & Paykel is predicting that so-called ‘slow living’ will dominate appliance trends in 2023 and beyond, in a recent forecast carried out by the brand. Slow living is the e ...
  • The market for home electronics products (HE), represented in the HEMIX, Home Electronics Market Index, has remained stable during the first three quarters of 2022, compared to the same period last ye ...
  • gfu and Clarion Events reach agreement with Messe Berlin for IFA to remain at the Berlin exhibition grounds The three parties have reached an agreement: the world’s most important trade show for consu ...
  • The rapid adoption of internet of things (IOT) technology is driving growth within the small household appliances sector, according to a new report from The report states that ...
  • A new report from McKinsey has put a spotlight on what trends are “reshaping the future of IT and business”. The report explains that businesses should make “four fundamental shifts” in order to keep ...
  • Research published by the American Heart Association has found that wearers of fitness bands, trackers and smart watches are generally the group which needs them least. Presented at the American Heart ...
  • A new report from AppsFlyer, Connected TV Trends 2022-23, Advertiser and Viewer Perceptions, has outlined the increasing popularity of connected TV advertising as a dynamic business strategy. The grow ...
  • A study from the Consumer Technology Association has found that immersive and accessible experiences are driving the gaming market in the USA. The research reveals that the US-based gaming population ...