IFA Press Releases

26 Jul 2023

IFA 2023: Experience a sustainable future in the House of Smart Living

Berlin, 26 July 2023 ' The House of Smart Living at IFA Berlin 2023 will give visitors a glimpse of how technology will help to build a sustainable future.

The House will be located in a new IFA space, the Sustainability Village, and is a joint production by Germany's three electrical and information technology associations VDE, ZVEH and ZVEI. Highly experiential, the House will showcase a broad range of building technologies, smart applications and other innovative features that improve the energy efficiency, security and comfort of future buildings.

Speaking upon the launch of the House of Smart Living, Carine Chardon, Director Consumer, ZVEI, said:

'The three German trade associations VDE, ZVEH and ZVEI are thrilled to be part of the IFA Sustainability Village and to present their House of Smart Living. It showcases technologies for energy efficiency, use of renewable energies and innovative climate control, all of which have a significant impact for a sustainable society. We are looking forward to explaining today's state of the art smart living technologies to the IFA visitors.'

Mirroring a real family home, the house features seven rooms with intelligent and future-ready technologies that will make living smarter. Energy efficiency is a key focus of the display, for example with smart networked energy meters that are linked to an energy management system which automatically schedules tasks like running the dishwasher at a time when electricity is generated by solar panels on the roof or can be bought at the cheapest possible price.

Renewable and sustainable energy sources like heat pumps, photovoltaic systems and high-capacity energy storage at home show how homes can be powered and kept warm (or cool) while being energy self-sufficient.

The bathroom in this house features fittings that work without touch, remember the water temperature that's preferred by the person using the shower, and heat water only when it's really needed.

The bedroom shows how smart technologies can make homes safer and help senior citizens or people with disabilities or a chronic illness to live comfortably at home. The floor is equipped with a fall detection device; another system controls a person's breathing and calls for help in case of an emergency; self-learning and speech-controlled AI systems, meanwhile, make it easier for people to take care of themselves.

Thanks to secure Bluetooth connections, systems like this can also be retrofitted to existing switchboxes, without the need of laying new cables through walls and ceilings.

The smart kitchen in the House of Smart Living features cabinets that can be raised and lowered. Cooks, meanwhile, can look forward to an AI assistant that helps them with meal preparations.

With the use of smart technologies, the living room is being transformed into a multimedia experience, while the smart office has clever functional furniture and lights that are optimised to provide the best possible work environment.

Whether it's power, water, heat or security, the House of Smart Living shows that sustainable homes can be built already today.



IFA 2023 will take place from 1-5 September at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds (Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin). Tickets are available online in the ticket shop at www.ifa-berlin.de.

IFA Management GmbH is a joint venture of gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH (owner of the IFAtrademark rights) and Clarion Events Ltd, which is responsible for organising IFA in Berlin

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