2024 Highlights
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06 SepIFA Next, Hub 27MediaMarktSaturn will take the stage to present their latest insights on retail marketing, e-commerce and marketplace followed by appearances from Tech & Gaming Influencers (11:00 - 17:30)!
06 SepHall 15The IFA Gaming Area powered by Acer is an immersive exploration of gaming, designed to present a variety of games from indie studios to publishers: don't miss latest game titles from Aesir Interactive, HeadUp, My Games, Stratosphere Games and EA SPORTS™.
07 SepHall 15The IFA Gaming Area powered by Acer is an immersive exploration of gaming, designed to present a variety of games from indie studios to publishers: don't miss latest game titles from Aesir Interactive, HeadUp, My Games, Stratosphere Games and EA SPORTS™.
08 SepHall 15The IFA Gaming Area powered by Acer is an immersive exploration of gaming, designed to present a variety of games from indie studios to publishers: don't miss latest game titles from Aesir Interactive, HeadUp, My Games, Stratosphere Games and EA SPORTS™.