2024 Highlights
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Programme Topic
06 SepHall 17Join the discussion about the future of costume design, with the designer of Black Panther (10:30 - 11:30), Culture from TV to TikTok, with the head of Content from ARD Kultur (11:45 - 12:45).
07 SepHall 17Join Gizem Celik from 'More Than Gossip' podcast (10:30 - 11:30) followed by photography masterclasses from Sony (15:15).
Hall 16 (Sony)Visit Hall 16 to enjoy the winning entries of the innovative videography contest, hosted by Sony and Thomas Kakareko (Berlin's #1 photographer). The theme, “Transformation” explores and captures the essence of change in its many forms.
08 SepHall 17Experience live podcasts from Maximilian Pollux (True Crime, 10:30 - 11:30) and Dr. Froid (LeFloid, Powlster, Der Olli, 14:00 - 15:00), as well as a session with Riccardo Simonetti and David Mendez on the topic 'Content Creation as a Vehicle for More Tolerance' (15:15 - 16:00).
09 SepHall 17Sony Music chairs a conversation as a bridge between the fashion and music industry catering to artist and brand needs (14:00 - 15:00).