
Urte Zahn

Urte Zahn

Urte Zahn is a dynamic entrepreneur, coach and business angel who has made a significant impact in the Berlin startup ecosystem. As a seasoned mentor and strategic advisor, she has helped numerous founders navigate the challenges of building and scaling their businesses. With a passion for connecting people and resources, Urte has established herself as a networker in the startup scene. Her ability to forge meaningful connections has proven invaluable to entrepreneurs seeking guidance and support.

Urte's approach to coaching is rooted in her belief that being a founder is a journey. What sets Urte apart is her 20-year journey in martial arts, which has profoundly influenced her coaching philosophy. This practice has taught her the art of combining and sharing strengths. Her background in martial arts has also contributed to her emphasis on courage, clarity, effectiveness, and resilience.

She regularly hosts the Ask Female Founders event in Berlin, inviting inspiring female founders, business angels, and VCs to share their journeys and advice in a cozy atmosphere. This month, Urte is moving the event to the IFA and bringing Encourage Ventures, Germany's largest female business angel network, with her.

In addition, Urte is dedicated to empowering female tech founders and committed to narrowing the gender investment gap, aiming for at least 30% of business angels in Germany to be women by 2030.