
Thorsten Pree

Thorsten Pree

At 64 years old, Thorsten Prée is a veteran in the consumer electronics market and has known many customers (retailer, discounter, onliner, distributors) personally for many years. In the last 3 years Thorsten has been working for China's largest manufacturer of remade-inks, Speed Infotech and developing the remade ink business in Europe with large onliners and distributors, mostly with white box or private label. An important task was working with Speeds retail chain, Recoll in the Netherlands to promote their new brand RecycleClub to large mass market retailers in the food and electronic sector. Before that, he was responsible for the European market at Peach in Switzerland for almost 7 years, focusing on online (non-branded) and retail (branded). Thorsten is successfully developing markets for the CE Brothers innovative brands and products in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.