Archived Speakers

Vika Kanar

Co-Founder and CEO Re-Fresh Global,
Vika Kanar is a co-founder of Re-Fresh Global, a innovative company dedicated to transforming textile waste into valuable secondary raw materials, such as ethanol and nanocellulose, contributing to sustainability and circular economy initiatives.' Re-Fresh Global is disrupting the textile industry through its ground-breaking technology which transforms textile waste into new raw materials. Founded in 2019 by entrepreneurs Viktoria Kanar and Revital Nadiv Zivan, the company confronts the global problem of textile waste that affects industries, government and the social sector. Using innovative techniques, they have developed one solution and 3 products which aim to radically change the direction of the existing linear textile industry: ' Smart Textile Waste Upcycling Microfactory': A complete 'turn-key' urban manufacturing solution. ' Re-SanPulp: A customizable textile pulp made out of recycled natural and synthetic fibers. ' Re-Thanol: A bio-ethanol (alcohol) with applications across a range of industries. ' Re-Nano: A patented microfibrillated cellulose that reduces a textile company's carbon footprint.
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