Archived Speakers

Raul Amigo


Ra'l Amigo is the main reference of Experience Design in Latin America, Cx Hall of Fame 2021, and Founder of UMUNTU CX DESIGN in Miami, FL. He had a brilliant career in the world of Technology and Telecommunications, working for Verizon, Motorola, and Nokia, becoming vice president of Nextel at the age of 34. At 38, he founded his first Internet company in the US. In 2007, he founded The Omnichannel Agency, a Retail Experience agency throughout Latin America. Integrating it into Omnicom, the world's largest network of advertising and marketing agencies. In 2015, he created a Spin-Off he called UMUNTU CX DESIGN, a Miami-based Experience Design agency, which he currently runs. At UMUNTU, he works for companies such as Google, Mastercard, Heineken, Abbot Labs, SAP, and Oracle, among many others.

Author of 6 books.' "Beyond Customer Experience," foreword by Don Peppers, is considered the fundamental masterpiece of CX in Spanish. He wrote the Value Design Chapter in Philip Kotler`s last book 'ESSENTIALS OF MODERN MARKETING.' In 2022, he presented his fourth book "Love by Design."

Professor by heart, he teaches in France, Spain, Italy, Latin America, and the US for some of the most prestigious powerhouses in the Academic world.

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