Archived Speakers

Paolo Falcioni

Director General, APPLIA

Paolo Falcioni has been APPLiA's Director General since January 2014. In this position'he focused on improving the association visibility and effectiveness within Europe and'internationally. He is one of the founders of the International Roundtable of Household'Appliance Manufacturers Associations (IRHMA) sharing knowledge on key legislative'developments across continents. He served for three years as Chairman of the Coalition'for Energy Savings and is one of the board members of smartEN, fostering demand side'management to help consumers to reap the benefits of the new energy market. In 2016,'he was nominated a member of the REFIT platform bringing together the Commission,'national authorities and other stakeholders to improve existing EU legislation. Paolo'graduated in electronic engineering from University of Ancona, in Italy. He started'working in the telecommunication sector and, after that, he worked within the'household appliance industry sector where he held positions with growing responsibilities.'

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