Archived Speakers

Lu Han

Open Bosch Program Director, Bosch Ventures
Lu Han, originally from China and educated in Singapore, holds a master's degree in Material Engineering from Cornell University in the US, along with a second bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With a passion for commercializing lab-level technology, she embarked on her career as a corporate strategist for executive management, concentrating on new market growth, technology acquisition, and organizational optimization.

Six years ago, Lu joined the cross divisional digital transformation initiative at Bosch, laying the organisational foundation for digitalisation within the electrical drive division while driving multiple 'software as a product' projects across Bosch as a product manager. Throughout her career, she has consistently grappled with the "innovator's dilemma." She views partnerships with startups as one of the solutions to this challenge. Consequently, Lu joined Open Bosch three years ago, driving business impact through collaborations with startups. Within the team, she places a special focus on scaling the venture clienting model globally and establishing thought leadership on frontier tech topics like generative AI.
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